“After (…) grad school, I was a building sub and long-term sub, and then I moved back to (…) where I'm from. Then I long-term subbed for a year in two different schools. I then got my first full teaching job in 2019 (…) I was let go during Covid and I came to a charter school, and I've been here ever since.”
“I've been here long enough that I have older kids who are still emailing me. I just went out to my car to go get my phone charger and the track team is running by, and one of my girls from when I first came here is like, ‘Hi, Miss Tina!’ as she's running by.”
“We're a charter, so we have the elementary school building, and then the middle school and high school are in a separate building up the hill. But because of that I see the middle schoolers and high schoolers all the time. They sneak their way down here constantly. I'm getting emails all the time from my 5th graders and my 6th graders. They're always sharing stuff with me, which is really nice. I teach 4th grade. I've been teaching 4th grade my entire career.”