Protection of Minors

Ithaca College is committed to protecting the safety and well-being of minors who participate in youth programs sponsored by the College or by third parties at the College.  Minors are individuals under the age of 18 who are not a matriculated student at the College.  The College understands the importance of providing a safe and secure environment for minors and ensuring that all programs, events, and activities are identified that engage minors.

Each College program sponsor must consider the impact of all activities and interactions conducted with minors during the course of a program (i.e., recreational camp, enrichment program, overnight program, etc.) and must appreciate and consider the risks and responsibilities when involved in a program.  For laboratories, please review the Minors in Laboratories Policy.  Minors under the age of 13 are not permitted in laboratories; the only exceptions when Minors are allowed in laboratories are when they are involved in supervised tours (but they may not participate in any hands-on laboratory activities) or when the Minors are participants in an approved College research study that is addressed by Institutional Review Board processes. 

General Information for the Ithaca College Community

The Protection of Minors Policy applies to all who supervise, chaperone, or is responsible for overseeing a College program that involves minors. This includes, but is not limited to, faculty, staff, students, coaches, chaperones, consultants, third parties, and volunteers who work or interact with minors in programs or activities sponsored by the College or for programs sponsored by a third-party at the College.

This site serves as a resource for members of the College community and those responsible for coordinating programs and activities involving minors. For additional assistance and guidance, refer to the Protection of Minors Policy or contact the Office of Risk Management at (607) 274-3285.

To determine if your activity or program needs to meet the requirements of the policy, the definition of a College-Sponsored Program in the policy, including exceptions, is any program or activity that IC operates or sponsors involving Minors offered by various academic and administrative units of the College, student organizations, athletics, etc.  These programs include, but are not limited to, programs in which students who are dually enrolled in College credit-bearing courses while also enrolled in elementary, middle, and/or high school; academic camps; athletics camps or other athletic programs; workshops; residential programs; commuter programs; conferences; College-sponsored overnight visits involving prospective students, including those involving prospective student-athletes; mentoring activities; academic enrichment programs; internship placements at College Facilities; activities occurring in College laboratories; and recreational programs.

Program definition, under this policy, does not include:

  • General events open to the public where parents/legal guardians are invited/expected to accompany and provide supervision of their children at all times.
  • IC enrolled students who are under the age of 18 participating in College credit-bearing courses or College activities.
  • The undergraduate admissions application process and related information sessions or tours led by undergraduate student ambassadors.
  • The employment of persons under the age of 18 by the College.
  • Supervision of Minors who are involved in College research that is addressed by Institutional Review Board processes.

In addition to the program information above, refer to the Protection of Minors Policy flowchart. If a program needs to comply with the policy, proceed to the guidelines below.

Ithaca College Programs Involving Minors


The responsible program director for a College-sponsored program hosting or involving minors needs to register the program or activity with the Office of Risk Management and Insurance at least three months prior to the proposed start date.  Recurring programs must re-register every fiscal year.  A program or activity involving minors will not be permitted if it does not first register or meet Policy requirements. 

Please use this link to access the Protection of Minors Registration System. 


Program personnel (defined as Authorized Adults in the Policy) working and interacting with Minors, which include College faculty, staff, students, volunteers, chaperones, and others, are required to complete training that covers identifying and responding to inappropriate interactions involving Minors.  The training must occur prior to the first day of the College-Sponsored Program.  The training consists of an online 45-60 minute course (please contact Risk Management if in-person training is needed).  The training shall be completed annually (once every 12 months) before Authorized Adults begin interacting with Minors, and the training shall be documented and tracked by Risk Management.  Clery Training is required to be completed annually (once every 12 months), via a video. In addition, specialized training will also be required and conducted by Environmental Health and Safety, such as for laboratories, operating machinery, or other areas on campus deemed important for additional training.

Background Check

The Office of Risk Management & Insurance will conduct all background checks, which will include criminal history record checks at the state and federal level, and the national sex offender registry.  Risk Management will review the results of a background check and will determine the eligibility of all Authorized Adults (program personnel) for participation in a program or activity involving Minors, with appropriate consultation, if needed, from the Office of General Counsel.  A background check is valid for 3 (three) years from when the check is initially conducted by the Office of Risk Management.
The Program Director(s) are responsible for identifying and registering all Authorized Adults (program personnel) for the program or activity and ensuring all Authorized Adults have completed a background check prior to the program or activity start date.  Individuals who refuse to submit to a background check may not participate in a program or activity involving Minors.  

Third-Party Programs Involving Minors (External Entities)

Third-party sponsors of minors programs taking place on property owned, operated, controlled, or leased by the College are responsible for registering the program, procuring and reviewing background checks, and conducting training consistent with the College Protection of Minors Policy requirements.