First-Time Driver Approval

The steps below are applicable for first-time driver approval only. If you wish to renew your driving privilege, refer to College-Owned and Rented Vehicles for instructions.

Students must complete, in the order listed, the following steps to become approved to drive College Vehicles:

  1. Read the Ithaca College Student Driver Handbook.
  2. Become familiar with the Ithaca College Driving College Vehicles Policy.
  3. Complete the Driver Safety FundamentalsUnited Educators (UE) online safety course; allow two (2) hours to register, complete the safety course, and take the test. UE is a resource to offer driver safety awareness and training; the course is not meant to completely fulfill each institution's needs, but rather it enhances driver awareness.  The Ithaca College Driving College Vehicles Policy and the Student Driver Handbook always supersede, so it is important to be familiar with the policies and procedures contained within.
    1. Important: Be sure to read the instructions to complete the UE Student Driver Safety Course. Note steps 13 and 14 to print the course transcript.
  4. Provide the course completion certificate from the UE Website to the Office of Risk Management.  This is required in order to process your MVR.
  5. Submit a Driver Information Form to Risk Management. Electronic signatures are NOT accepted.

Below are a few instances where online UE training differs from College Policy/Procedures:

  • Students are restricted to SUVs that do not exceed an 8 person occupancy limit.
  • College vehicles do not currently have all emergency equipment referenced in the training.
  • ​Student drivers cannot exceed three hours of driving before switching to another driver.